They are talking about you; Are you listening?

4 min readOct 4, 2019


Listen to people on social media.

Today, the virtual space, known as cyberspace, allows the people and the media to express their opinions about various issues frankly and explicitly and share them with others with an unprecedented influence and speed. In this regard, people never ignore the qualitative analysis of the services they receive or the products they purchase so that they share their positive or negative opinions in their private or non-private pages for informing and helping other people or for any other reason. The news media, due to their higher influence, can analyze the constructive or destructive impacts of the businesses on the society, environment, economy, etc. and affect the picture of a brand in people’s minds. In today’s business world, which is tightly entangled with cyberspace, we should know that the people will talk about us in cyberspace and every individual or medium can affect the communicative network of its own proportionate to its specific level of influence. However, sometimes, the social networks and cyberspace are monitored to analyze the success rate of a campaign or analyze the amount and direction (inclination) of the conversations about a particular subject.

In the present paper, besides summarizing the advantages of listening to the talks in cyberspace, we will investigate the importance of the reports published by the periodical bulletins for listening to the community’s voice and measuring our success rate in the campaigns.

Why and how should we listen to the community?

· We are not seen always exactly the same as what we think that we are. Therefore, by listening to the target community, we can get a clearer picture of our brand and, thereby, we can plan for improving or changing it with a wider perspective.

· If the potential customers encounter a negative opinion or article about a business on the first page of Google search results, the risk of losing that customer will be 22%, and in the case of 3 negative opinions, the risk will reach 59.2%.

· 91% of people trust what they see or read in the search engines.

· We identify and understand the audience’s feelings and opinions about us. Thus, the next steps to improve or reconstruct the brand’s identity will be more tangible.

· 96% of the individuals who talk about the businesses and brands don’t follow the brands’ user accounts in social networks. Therefore, we shouldn’t rely only on our official page, and it is necessary to continuously monitor the conversations, comments, feedback, and user interactions with the brand-relevant content across the social networks.

· 78% of the individuals who write comments or ask questions about a brand expect to receive feedback in a single hour. Therefore, monitoring social networks and responding to such cases will give the audience a sense that we care about them and try to solve their problems.

Big size, short time, what is the solution?

Monitoring at the cyberspace level, which embraces all the social networks, online and offline media, etc., might seem a simple work in the first look, but it is very strenuous and time-consuming. Even if we accomplish gathering all of the talks and comments about our business or brand in social networks, it requires a huge amount of time and human force to categorize them in such a way to find out which media or individuals have talked about us more, to identify the level of their influence on the audience, to distinguish the positive and negative portions of the talks, or identify the material with the most feedback from the audience. Therefore, the brands or even famous individuals (celebrities) need a comprehensive tool with high precision and speed that enables them to get informed of and analyze the audience’s feedback.

We suggest you the reports from Zelkaa smart service’s bulletins. In the case of using Zelkaa, without being engaged with complexity or losing the appropriate time for reaction and spending your credential and financial resources, you can achieve in a fraction of a second much better results for investigation and analysis of the opinions and comments across the cyberspace in a report of multiple pages. As such, you can see the feedback and compare the opinions in order to recognize the proper way to take the next steps toward your goal.

In fact, bulletins are reports of the monitoring that you have conducted. Besides, it helps you to know how successful have your campaigns been in social networks and cyberspace and, thereby, paves the ground for gaining experiences for the upcoming projects.




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